Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gaddafi's Death Divinely Decreed Deliberated: killed-murdered lawlessly, mercilessly by psychopaths-sociopaths death squads led by racist USA & Europe & NATO White Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes = System's Sorcerer Sinister Snake Serpent SATAN!!! Reveals-COLOR KINGDOM NWCA.

  LOVE GODDESS Mother Africa Earth Nature

1. YES  Son of SUNGOD AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD reveals and righteously reports: Africa Libya leader Mr. Moammar Gaddafi's Death Divinely Decreed Deliberated Definitively; after 41-42 years of Arab Islamic Law imposed power. Yet a pretentious "secularist". It is wisely well written: "You live by the sword, you die by the sword." Which fatal finality ends an eerie era of his tyrannical disillusioned dictatorial rule with an iron fist, for females, financial fame and fortune = 100$+$$$ capital cash currency. Nevertheless, howsoever, there are much more meaningful, humongous and momentous CAUSES hidden behind these superficial symptoms. It encompasses consummated SPIRITUALITY!!!
2. Albeit AN HONORABLE SALUTE   as a Mastermind Martyr: “Libyan Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi's death”; the hero and Holy Heavens Hades hell fire raiser. Howsoever courageous, putting up a strong stance against Racist White Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes; of the System's Sorcerer Snake Serpent SATAN!!! The little guy, small statured man, although, a grandly great Commmnder In Chief, fearless warrior, who stood his ground gallantly gifted. Doing so boldly and bravely, along with his faithful loyalist soldiers, trained troops, and African Africoid female bodyguards, to the very end of their loving lives!!!
3. Albeit, dazed by cowardice Caucasian Caucasoid creatures, constantly bombarding buildings and massacring his Libyan citizens in Tripoli, in many other country towns, cities, and killing them, women, babies and small school childrens. By overhead air raids engaged by evil Euro-centric enemy entities. Butt even so suffering an overpowering,one sided defeat on land of the physical plane; the real live visionary revolutionary, evolutionary creation has now today just began. Our Revolution + Evolution + Creation!!!
4. Thus, knowing this instinctive, intuitive, Spiritual, patterned pathway to the next challenges, as a valiant VICTOR; of the Holy Heavens; he didn't seem to need, nor desire to come out fearlessly firing weapons - fighting face up. Unwisely pointing guns, six shooters like a boldly brave warrior committing suicide, Butt, instead chose to surrender somewhat like sorry Saddam Hussein, who came crawling out of "a spider hole" in the gutter ground of utter guilt. Saying "I'm the President of Iraq".
5. Similarly humbled and humiliated, the desert Lion 'king of kings' = gallantly great and grandly gifted Gaddafi, was apparently captured wounded, well and alive, on the side of a road, in or near a drainage pipe, tunnel cave hideout - roaring refuge. After his caravan was aerially attacked by the negative NATO "New Nazis". Bitten by multiple poisonous snakes, venomous serpents as aircraft sinking their blood sucking vampire fangs inside his body. And all throughout Africa Libya, these terrorists and white racists, are the ones who actualized atrocities! He and faithful loyal love ones were, senselessly, savagely and satanically shot by USA 'Crusader' cowardice capitalist, corporate Caucasian Caucasoid criminal creatures!
6. Y'all pretty please be astutely apt avid long-winded readers add researchers. College students, staffs, and faculties; study in depth and thoroughly what I have wisely well written. All important imformations of an imperative nature, explained, photo - picture presentations, illustrated, graphic digitalized designs and lot more meanigful subject material matter. Just simply click on the live URL links located below, to view my True Up U-Turn Universal, IniVersal RealiVision vs Religion & Politics = REAL LIVE VISION!!!.
7. SATANIST SAVAGE SINNERS: “Gaddafi can be heard in one video saying "God forbids this" several times as slaps from the crowd rain down on his head. "This is for Misrata, you dog," said one man slapping him. "Do you know right from wrong?" Gaddafi says. "Shut up you dog," someone replies as more blows rain down.”
8. Reality of Fact: They all have a major hand in it as co-conspirators. French fighter jets and by their fire breathing deadly drone dragon flying far overhead, U.S. satanist-racists mass murdering human beings on the run, in a convoy fleeing for safety and escape to save their lives?!. Including possible hostages as civilians!?
9. Plus + y'all remember and dutifully NOTE vs Vote: That at the time of these air assaults, by psychotic cowards, these boldly brave brothers and sisters, female bodyguards and loyalists, posed no direct nor indirect threat to the so called "Libyan Civilians"; citizens and no other society of persons. This a concisely crystal clear Legal Cause of Classified Action; by the truer Africa Africoid Libyans; of LOVE PEACE & HARMONY.  Updated today 10-23-11... Sunday 11:20 am.
10. Predatory Parasites Plaguing Populations of People: Especially afflicting Africa Libya. Apparently terrorizing those trying to avoid being captured by insane psychopath pirates; propped up by white western countries attempting to rule, control and dominate our GlobalWorldNations!!!
11. Mr. Moammar Gaddafi and his entourage were winning in their defense against the racist rebels, so the Euro-centric capitalist serving corporatist interests, Wall Street Stock Markets, set up a situation -scenario, expecting the Libyan leader and his loyalists to exit in an deliberately opened back door passageway. Treacherous trick to allow the predatory parasites, of U.S. led "New Nazis" NATO, to be stealthily waiting, in a "Axis of evil" co-conspiracy, to incinerate the moving convoy of cars and trucks carrying passenger escapees fleeing to freedom. These White Supremacist Racists of America and Europe couldn't stand the fact and reality of Gaddafi and his love ones staying alive or surviving. And when caught, hiding out in or near drainage pipes, they were unmercifully murdered, and some of the appearing to be Libyan-African Africoid Blacks, 'brains were blatantly blown out'...'heads were cut off, decapitated with mutilated body parts scattered around on the ground'.
12. MAAT Mother McKinney Cynthia reports - reveals: “ISRAEL AND LIBYA: PREPARING AFRICA FOR THE "CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS" “Mahdi Darius _ Nazemroaya+Under the Obama Administration the United States has expanded the "long war" into Africa. Barack Hussein Obama, the so-called "Son of Africa" has actually become one of Africa's worst enemies. Aside from his continued support of dictators in Africa, the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) was unhinged under his watch. The division of Sudan was publicly endorsed by the White House before the referendum, Somalia has been further destabilized, Libya has been viciously attacked by NATO, and U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) is going into full swing. The war in Libya is just the start of a new cycle of external military adventurism inside Africa. The U.S. now wants more military bases inside Africa. France has also announced that it has the right to militarily intervene anywhere in Africa where there are French citizens and its interests are at risk. NATO is also fortifying its positions in the Red Sea and off the coast of Somalia.”
13. YES OCCUPYNEERS: are to instate, install and institute our USAA PROMISED LANDS, via COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts. Basically better beneficially blessed by believers who are forthcoming, fairly, faithfully fighting for financial freedoms. And in reality + spirituality, talking all about the Afrindian Holy Ghost Spirit of Truth Powered Knowledge = Know How!! Yes We's & Us's can, surely We The Public People Power Plan + Positive Population Protests, are actually now today doing! And herein perfectly portrayed in a pretty presentation as a Pyramidal Panorama Phenomena. Flying flag, banner, emblem and Sacred Spiritious Symbols, Secure Safe Secrets!!!

1. THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH: Commands: Each and every leadership are responsible for what their soldiers, troops, rebel warriors do to their captives. They are held accountable for the massacres of  mankind-womankind - humankind. And if in fact the so called International Criminal Court, ICC, truly had any illegitimacy, integrity and honesty, these stated entities are to be charged, indicted and brought in to DIVINE JUSTICE & JUDGMENT.  Their blatantly bad barbaric beastly behaviors, deadly devilish deeds, are no doubt, wicked war crimes committed against Humanity's Sanity, by U.S. led NATO, and the NTC!!!
1a.“Mahdi Darius _ Nazemroaya _ Many of the problems afflicting the contemporary areas of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Southwest Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Africa, and Latin America are actually the result of the deliberate triggering of regional tensions by external powers. Sectarian division, ethno-linguistic tension, religious differences, and internal violence have been traditionally exploited by the United States, Britain, and France in various parts of the globe. Iraq, Sudan, Rwanda, and Yugoslavia are merely a few recent examples of this strategy of "divide and conquer" being used to bring nations to their knees.”
1b. “This objective is why the ridiculous identity of an "African South Sudan" and an "Arab North Sudan" have been nurtured and promoted. This is also why black-skinned Libyans have been targeted in a campaign to "colour cleanse" Libya. The Arab identity in North Africa is being de-linked from its African identity. Simultaneously there is an attempt to eradicate the large populations of "black-skinned Arabs" so that there is a clear delineation between "Black Africa" and a new "non-Black" North Africa, which will be turned into a fighting ground between the remaining "non-Black" Berbers and Arabs.”
2. Cosmic CREATOR’S commission calling CAUSE: = Eliminations, exterminations, extinctions of mult-millions of inhumane beings. Due to warfare worldwide wickedness, overpopulating people, poisonous polluted politics and radicalized racist religions; ruining healthy and wealthy life’s art forms here living on planetary sphere earth’s bodily organism. Everybody of age; hereon, this huge spinning globe, revolving, rotating and evolving creatively; are of a conscious or unconscious, Culpable Mental State of Guilt, Fault, and Blame!!!
3. NO not one: are able to conquer them selves, butt are so ready to try and conquer others. All governments are greedy gluttonous dictators and terrorist tyrants today. Completely out of containment controls, due to contaminated clinical conditions, contagious criminal concoctions, crooked cops, corrupt capitalist corporations, to name a few difficult problems too numerous to solve herein. Thereby, signaling a Sublime Spiritious Summons, that some big bad bullying bodies, just gotta go, die off, hit the dirty dusty trail and leave the living. Actualized as a mandated must be put down, dead and no longer alive, in this reality nor in any other remote distant universal reality. Meaning the fatal end to their Solar Sexus Souls!!!
4. CAUSAL CLIMATIC CHARGED CHANGES: Currently causing created cataclysmic calamities and catastrophes. Earthquakes, violent volcanoes, heavy rains and flash flooding, flaming forest fires, and wicked wrathful weather raging rapidly, all around our whole wide world.
5. ‘THE GREAT SATAN‘S’ SINNERS: “Gen. Charles Bouchard, commander of the NATO military operation, said at a news conference Monday, "We saw a convoy and, in fact we had no idea that Gadhafi was on board." It was a surprise that Gadhafi was in the area, Bouchard said. The convoy was carrying weaponry, and seemed to present "a clear threat to the population," he said. Human Rights Watch, in its statement Monday, also reported other instances of bodies found recently in Sirte.”
“At a separate site in the city, "Human Rights Watch saw the badly decomposed bodies of 10 people who had apparently also been executed," the group said. "The bodies had been dumped in a water reservoir in District 2 of the city. The identity of the victims was unknown, and it was not possible to establish whether Gaddafi forces or anti-Gaddafi fighters were responsible."
6. This is precisely why the NTC would not permit the rebels making their last advance for about two days, as they were held up right outside of Sirte. They told Al Jareera that they didn’t know why this order to stop and delay the total take over was being done? However, shortly before this timely trick of treachery, the NTC broadcast that they knew where Gaddafi and his warriors were hiding out, in some remote tribal part to Libya’s country sides, etc. And that they were monitoring his movements. Butt, believe my telling y’all, that this was only a well worded distraction, for us to refocus our attention elsewhere and not on the sophisticated setup that was being stealthily staged for a "Summary Execution”; and death penalty on the scene upon contact with his defenders, called them whatsoever, you may?! They were Solar Sexus Souls & Spirits, living body organisms of HUMANITY’S SANITY!!!
7. Colonel Gaddafi & Courageous Combatant Female Bodyguards:: He and they, held up so strongly in cities and towns like true revolutionary warriors should in deed do, bravely and boldy and courageously. Certainly history has recorded them, righteously now today, herein, as galant and valiant Victors. Albeit, they eventually, had no living chance to win against the big bullying bastards, mass murdering monstrous military machine might of U.S. & Europe's, fire breathing demonic drogon drones. Compounded by jet aircraft, deadly destroyers - sinister ships cruise missiles, rockets fired from up above and from safe distances. Cowardly combined coalition criminals; seriously and severely suffering; SUPREMACY SUPERIORITY SUPERPOWER SICKNESS SYNDROMES!!!
8. COURAGEOUS COMBAT CAPTIVES: Yes physically assaulted by undercover, mercenary French foreign invaders!? U.S. CIA sponsored subversive serveillance activities. Embedded spies, terrorist troops as instigating meddlers and interfering with non-white people's business. Purposely fomenting bloody warfare civilian conflicts, religious rivalries, racist rebels, inclusively, internationally. Dictating "demonocracy" democracy and dominating the airways, out of reach from fearless fighters on land doing combat like real men and brave revolutionary warriors. Gaddafi, surrendered peacefully without resistance. Yet was dogged down into the dusty road by the racist rebel river rats and filthy smelling cock roaches. And then after-wards, shot in cold blood, paraded before a lynch mob, dragged and obviously dumped into the dirty streets, being beaten bodily, out of hideously hostile hate. Humiliated and embarrassed and shamed publicly. Savage beast barbaric, blatantly bad behaving bandits; addicted to demonic death, destruction and desolation!!! Gaddafi's Death 10-20-2011
9. THEY ARE ALL GADDAFI KILLERS: "A young man appears beside the ambulance, a bearded man beside him shouts out: "He's the killer. And I am the witness who saw him." The young fighter exclaims excitedly: "We found him in a hole. He had somebody with him inside it." Grinning and brandishing a handgun, the man is feted and embraced by fighters. "This is the guy who killed Gaddafi. Using this, you see," the man with the beard shouts, holding up the young man's hand in which he has a gun. "He did it in front of me. I saw it in front of me."
10. ABSOLUTELY FOR SURE: And White people in political power positions, warmongers and military hatemongers..., are behind the hatred of humanity, now plaguing , polluting and poisoning the minds and membranes of Humane Kindhearted = Creative Evolution. It’s a genetic terrorist trait akin to the recent arrivals as mutant members of the Homo Sapiens Scientific Species Specifics = Africoid-Negroid, Mongoloid and the criminal CaucAsian Caucasoid creatures. The corrupted Capitalist attempting to cause warfare worldwide. In desperation to survise their inevitable extinction, elimination and extermination off the planet. Desperately they foment civil conflicts, death and destruction to civilizations, just to support their gluttonous greed of giant Corporations of the dis-United States of Angry Anglo-America Al’Qaeda. Truthfully the number one arch adversary antagonist Alien AGENT. Enemy Energy Entity of all earthly HUMANITY & SANITY!!

11. Definitively, we are actually counting down to Armageddon's Prophetic Holy World War III = 3, A better benefit blessing in secret disguise, to set the enslaved captives free; unto the perfect law of liberty._mp3.  And this truly means that the terrorist Nazis NATO of Europe is facing Russia Federation, in a heated hot head on coming collision and combustible conflict. While the USA is on a crashing collision course with Asia's China, in direct combat, land and air warfare, and also perhaps, nuclear weapons of mass destruction?!. Predestined on the Event Horizon! Yes these big bad bullies are meeting their match, on a level playing field, The Battleground of Calvary, as equals!!
12. “But questions remained on Thursday over the circumstances of Gaddafi's death as footage appeared to show he had been captured alive, following an apparent attempt to flee the besieged coastal city in a convoy which came under fire from French warplanes and a US drone aircraft.”
13. BEWARE, Be Ready & Be Prepared: For numerous fraud in fact lies of leading liars, of the major mainstream media of mass member mind maintaining mechanisms. Controlling what viewers, news audiences hear and think that they see. Single sided stories while surreptitiously sowing the satanist seeds of demonic discord amongst the Arab_ African_Afrasian_Asiatic peoples. Be careful of how these journalist, news reporters pick out their guests, hosts to feature what happened and why-when-where. These selections are setups in and of themselves, to misled and deceive the public. Always, look closely at all mainstay media with a crucially critical eye, and analyzed things for your own selves. Believe not in half told truths which in essence = more lies of liars!
14. So then, y'all always know that, the Libyan citizens alone, or not even in the least amount in numbers fought with violence, guns, tanks, rockets and missiles. None of them in their sane senses, are possibly the ones who stood up bravely against a dreadful dictator or tyrant in Africa Libya.They are no warmongers and hatemongers and refused to participate on any side of the criminal conflicts and atrocious crimes committed against HUMANITY'S SANITY.
1. Fled For Their Lives: Most who could do so, abandoned, vacated their homes and towns, and evacuated their kids and women folk. As hundreds of others were blantantly bombed to death by White Supremacist Superpowers. And this is The Total Told Truth!
2. Devilish Demonism + Dishonor + Disrespecting Dead Bodies: Stupid showing of shame and silly celebrations: “However, some of the anti-Gaddafi rebels' foreign allies have expressed disquiet about the treatment of Gaddafi both after his capture and after his death and worry that Libya's new leaders will not uphold their promise to respect human rights.” They refuse and can't control themselves, and govern their behaviors, so then they are to be governed and controlled by foreign forces. Which is the diabolical setup to send in White Euro-centric invaders, intruders inside Africa Africoid Arab Asiatic Libya, expressly, our USAA police protectors, righteously and justifiably, to protect civil and human rights. Equals = INTERVENTION DIVINE!!!
3. HATE CRIMES COMMITTED AGAINST HUMANITY: By USA & NATO & EUROPE & NTC!!! “Human Rights Watch, in its statement Monday, complained of the "still unexplained deaths" of Gadhafi and his son Mutassim while in the custody of fighters. "At the site where Moammar Gadhafi was captured, Human Rights Watch found the remains of at least 95 people who had apparently died that day. The vast majority had apparently died in the fighting and NATO strikes prior to Gadhafi's capture, but between six and ten of the dead appear to have been executed at the site with gunshot wounds to the head and body," the group said. Document today 10-24-2011 Monday 1:35 pm.”
4. Diligently designed, I HAVE, already written about how it all happened with Mr. Gaddafi fronting off before the Europeans, Pinks & Whites. Playing party politics, showing off and ego tripping as an affront to his own social citizenry. Shaking hands, hugging and kissing ass of these Westerners, foreigners, who he unwisely turned his back on, after celebrating in parade like ceremonies or git together with Euro-Caucasians. At the time ....U.S.  Secretary of State Gondoleeza Rice & Tony Blair Prime Minister masterminded the plotted plan, systematically setting Gaddafi up for his fatal down fall from grace. The showboating blew it for him in a hurtful and harmful manner!
5. HEROIC WARRIOR COLONEL GADDAFI: Surely his own spoiled rotten and ruined people of Libya, got jealous and envious and filled with strife seeing him in front of these cameras, smiling, skinnin' and grinin'..laughing having fun and games. While at the very same time cutting back on the social programs, benefits of a better blessed economy; where all Libyans enjoyed the fruits of their labors equably. He forsook and backslid on some very important promises. Such as sharing in the rich oil production profits fairly, justly and nationally. He started to act like a fool, selfish or self-centered, arrogantly ambitious. Pretending to be a die-hard "secularist"; yet still an Islamist of Arabism. Trying to spread pervasive Islamic Laws across continental Africa, alleged to help free indigenous African Blacks from colonial enslavement; of  Euro-centric Whites!
6. Mr. Moammar Qadhafi has stressed the universal applicability of Islam, but he has also reaffirmed the special status assigned by the Prohet to Christians. He has, however, likened them to misguided Muslims who have strayed from the correct path. Furthermore, he has assumed leadership of a drive to free Africa of Christianity as well as of the colonialism with which it has been associated.”
7. As "Mad Dog" man, Gaddafi slams dunks the White western world's wickedness,  werewolf wantom warfare. And this is back in about 2009, after acepting friendly relations with the Europeans and Caucasian Caucasoid creatures. The capitalist corporations had been installed and agreement maded with binding contracts to drill for sweet crude oil and natural mineral resources, etc. This betrayal pissed White people off, made them angry as extremists and terrorist trying to get Gaddafi back and make him pay for it by destroying Africa Libya and killing him; 'by all means necessary"; and now today this has become the truest reality. “Libyan Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi's death”!
9. Mahdi Darius _ Nazemroaya says_“Re-Dividing Africa: The Yinon Plan is very Much Alive and at Work...In the same context as the sectarian divisions in the Middle East, the Israelis have outlined plans to reconfigure Africa. The Yinon Plan seeks to delineate Africa on the basis of three facets: (1) ethno-linguistics; (2) skin-colour; (3) religion. It seeks to draw dividing lines in Africa between a so-called "Black Africa" and a supposedly "non-Black" North Africa. This is part of a scheme to create a schism in Africa between what are assumed to be "Arabs" and so-called "Blacks." “An attempt to separate the merging point of an Arab and African identity is underway.”
10. And I prophetically say it shall all backfire into their pearly pink “pale faces” via our innate, intrinsic, inborn SPIRITUALITY. Ancient Africa Ancestral Africoid Authorities, SPIRITUALIZED forces of compelling circumstances, to make all man made, manufactured religions and their poisonous polluted politics to: StopPointBlankPeriod.  This truth y'all are to KNOW!!!
11. SPIRITUAL VIOLATIONS: Also in my view, wrongfully giving The Nation of Islam, Min. Louis Farrakhan millions of dollars to build more mosques in impoverished African Ameican Black communities; instead of constructing businesses to employ brothers and sisters. Our Conscious Conscience Cosmic CREATOR forbids!!!
12. Because, RELIGIONS of all sorry sinful sorts and types are contagious diseases to humankind, in their every conceivable states of being bogus, bias bigots and hateful hegemony hypocrites. His financial economic efforts, may have been sincere and in good faith, howsoever, I personally proclaim this to be in gross violations of indigenous and Ancient Ancestral Africoid Authorities SPIRITUALITY. = Completely non-religious Native-Natural Laws!!! Islamic Muslims & Christians of Christianity & Jews of Judaism, are all criminally encroaching and trespassing against the Spiritious Sacred VegePlanTerRain of LOVE GODDESS Mother Africa Earth Nature +  Her One & Only Sovereign Solar Sexus Soul SUNGOD!!!
1. GUILTY GADDAFI: Pitching and pitting dark skinned society against light skinned society; blacks against yellows, upper class against lower class and middle class rivalries; on and on endlessly. Then betrayed the trust of European dignitaries by slamming them, denouncing their foreign policy practices, after, accepting their warn kindly invitation and visits welcoming him in. And more than anything else, collectively,  this is what got the ball bouncing badly against him and Anglos, started the wild west wheels rolling between him and his people, black, brown, red, tan, yellow, white, pink pigmented people of Libya of Mother Africoid Africa!!! Y'all can read my full Story Book Bible Blog:
2. White People Imposing Their ill-will worldwide: In spite of what propped up proxy politician puppet, U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama proclaims in his national-international press meeting on Thursday, September 20, 2011... approx. 1:13 pm. And know that there is no just comparison between citizens rising up against oppression in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, and Syria! Watch out for false equations.They are much different, without outside military intervention, interference and intrusions; expressly, from Euro-centric nations. Common senses says these truths openly for the whole wide world to see and eye witness. No rational reason to doubt!
3. In fact, The U.S. Federal Government & Pentagon's Military & Capitalist Corporations, is angrily accused of being terrorist Tyrants and "demonocracy" democracy Dictators!!! Oppressor police and crooked-corrupted criminal cops hired to stop Americans Freedom of Speech & Right to assemble in public places. Indubitably, I AM truly talking about; We The Public People Power Plan + Positive Population Protests. And our American youths are forming their "Occupy Wall Street Movement"as solid ironclad proof. I name them to be: Revolting revolutionary, more meaningfully militant minded OCCUPYNEERS!!!
4. NTC terrorists totally intoxicated with vicious violence, serial killings and mass member murders. Massacring mercenaries, darker skinned African Libyans in numbers, holding many of them inside concentration camps, makeshift jail cells and prisons enslaved as captive citizens seen as Africa's Africoids. Unforgivable acts of inhumanity and indecency. Equals = Rebel RACISM!!!
5. “ Murder & Execution, Beating, Torment & Torture: “This account of finding Ghadafi in the drainage pipe was confirmed by an English-speaking rebel fighter, who told ABC News, "We catch him there. We shot him." In a video that surfaced Friday Gadhafi is heard repeatedly saying the phrase "Haram Aleiko," which is an Arabic expression that literally translated means "This is a sin for you." The phrase is generally used as a plea to convey the vulnerability of the victim. The fatal shot that killed Ghadafi was reportedly fired by a young man donning a baseball cap with a Yankees logo. Afterwards he was photographed brandishing Gadhafi's vanquished golden gun.” “Also dying alongside Gadhafi were some of his notorious female bodyguards -- who were often referred to as his Amazon Bodyguards.” Evidential Proof of Homicide!! Documented today, Friday, October 21, 2011...11:10 am.
6. The dis-United States of America Angry Anglo Al'Qaeda: led negative nasty nose naughty neo "New Nazi" NATO. Brought the sovereign country Libya down, contrary to what some news reporter female working for Al Jazeersa says in her coverage claims. This narrator is a liar and propagandist political pundit. She's highly confused and bias with bogus bigotry.
7. Moreover, The facts are very apparent that bullying superpowers defeated the small man Gaddafi who didn't stand a living chance to defend himself and nation from the greatest military machine might on planet earth. Constant bombardments from the air launched daily. Crystal clearly seen in abundance, in a simple way that any one in their right minds can see and know these truths. Foreign forces U.S. Led: They are the ones who won the wicked warfare, alleged revolution. "Broke the back of the regime". Deliberately demolished the infrastructure of the country, leaving the citizenry homeless, shelter shattered, jobless, injured-wounded, and in desperation for fresh water and wholesome food to eat. With these militarized terrorist tactics of big brother bullying, is being employed to other small defenseless countries of color = nonwhite. Effectually causing destitution, poverty, hunger and starvation; worldwide!
8. Further still: And scientifically this is a studied sinister bad bio seed genotype trait of the mutant members called Caucasus cave CaucAsian Caucasoids. Historical hatemongers and warmongers, projecting their terrifying tendencies, onto all of HIS & HER earthly humanity. Robbing and raping indigenous inhabitants of their inborn birth rgitht of humanely healthy SPIRITUALITY. Then imposing thier Europeanized conceptual idea of a white man person being "God" RELIGION! Later on read-research:

1. Today, devilishly deceived and remotely led astray... these foolish females lost their liberation freedoms; under strict and stupid "Sharia" Islamic Laws of Muslim military men; sexists, racists, fascists, egoists idiotic ignoramuses!!!
2. NEW DISILLUSIONED LIBYAN LEADERS: “Cheering crowds packed a central square in Benghazi Sunday afternoon for a ceremony that leaders said formally marked victory after eight months of fighting. "We are now united. We have become brothers in love," said Mustafa Jalil, the council's chairman.” I proclaim that there can never be any unity! Absolutely no love, no peace and no harmony among mobs of mad murders!!! Documented 10-23-2011...2:18 pm. CK-NWCA.
3. Unfortunatly: Becoming dependent on charitable compassion, rice, or grains droped from the airways; in big bags!?. After all of the killings and inhumane hatred running rampant in Libya and else where, yes, they do deserve charity!
4. ‘GHOULISH”: devilishly demonic displayed dead bodies of Gaddafi, his son… and military leader. With a long line procession of people, citizens of Libya‘s Misrata, coming inside an ice cooler storage box to see deceased corpses. Surely a sickening satanic ritual and unrighteous reaction, with women and men and their small children, glorying over a fallen hero to most Africa Africoid Black Libyans. “Doubts cast on official Gaddafi death account NTC member says investigation needed as to how toppled Libyan leader ended up dead after being captured alive.”

5. YES: This terroirst torment and torture; is exactly why Tyrannical Dictators rule with an iron fist. They know how violent and vicious their homeland people are, by knowing their historicity. They were born into blood baths as babies, with parents invading Africa's continental regions and internal territories. And it is the USA & European White Supremacist & Colonialist, Capitalist and Corporatist Caucasian Caucasoid criminals, who let them out of their cages of criminology. Intentionally to cause civil conflicts, racial and ethnic cleansing, choas and combustible confusion. No doubt, it's an EVIL CO-CONSPIRACY!!!

6. FACTUAL PROOF + THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH: "We found 53 decomposing bodies, apparently (Gadhafi) supporters, at an abandoned hotel in Sirte, and some had their hands bound behind their backs when they were shot," said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director of Human Rights Watch. "This requires the immediate attention of the Libyan authorities to investigate what happened and hold accountable those responsible." Discovered Sunday and document herein Monday, October 24, 2011...11:06 am. CK-NWCA. And it looks like the National Transitional Council & new Libyan leaders, are being betrayed, bitten by bloody fangs of forsaking poisonous pit vipers venom. Satanic serpent snakes of sneaky stealth. Later on read news report
7. DIRE CONSEQUENCES: Therefore, these totally disrespectful Misratans; and all other hatemongers, are destined to suffer strict and staunch Islamic Muslim retaliations, retributions and revenges. Deadly penetrating suicide bombers as they are infiltrators in Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and else where. These citizens shall be sitting up eating at home or sleeping, or on their jobs, out shopping in marketplaces for food and items, and caught off guards, in many other places by sudden surprises. Then explosive devices detonated, killing and maiming members in multiple numbers. A message prophetically proclaimed and publicly pronounced, repeatedly, by the captured Gaddafi while in the custody of brutal barbaric beasts and bogus bastards of bias bigotry!! . “This is a curse for you”; ‘Y’all will be cursed… curses are upon you….’ With my self being a Prophet Messenger ArtistCHD, Divinely Decreed Devil Damnation & Curses are surely Summoned against these terrorist people as Justice & Judgment Today!!!
“Israel and Libya__Libya had been considered as "a spoiler" which undermined the interests of the former colonial powers in Africa. In this regard, Libya had taken on some hefty pan-African development plans intended to industrialize Africa and transform Africa into an integrated and assertive political entity. These initiatives conflicted with the interests of the external powers competing with one another in Africa, but it was especially unacceptable to Washington and the major E.U. countries. In this regard, Libya had to be crippled and neutralized as an entity supportive of African progress and pan-African unity.
The role of Israel and the Israeli lobby was fundamental in opening the door to NATO's military intervention in Libya. According to Israeli sources, it was U.N. Watch that actually orchestrated the events in Geneva to remove Libya from the U.N. Human Rights Council and to ask the U.N. Security Council to intervene. [3] U.N. Watch is formally affiliated with the American Jewish Committee (AJC), which has influence in the formulation of U.S. foreign policy and is part of the Israeli lobby in the United States. The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH), which helped launch the unverified claims about 6,000 people being slaughtered by Qaddafi, is also tied to the Israeli lobby in France.” Says “Mahdi Darius _ Nazemroaya” via
Cynthia McKinney.
1. Enslaved - Entrapped - Captives Caught in a Conquered Cage: Is the overall and general state of Libya now today. In reality the people of North Africa are slaves of the western powers of the White Europeans & Americans. Those werewolves who make up the bulk of the coalition Caucasoid Caucasians who were the temporary winners; who will become whiners. Those who defeated Gaddafi, by USA's heavy launching their warships cruise missiles upon Libyan Capital Tripoli. They invested multi-millions of Americans hard earned tax money to liberate the natural resources, and free the sweet crude oil, to be put into the possessions of Euro-Anglo-America. So that they can feast financially from a fallen government and national leadership; inclusively, disillusioned foolish civilians celebrating their own down fallen fates and financial fatality!!.
2. Revenge savagery seen as uncivilized celebrations, yet this is the beginnings of Trials & Tribulations = pains and severe suffering. They fail to fight their own revolutionary revolt against Gadhafi, by begging Britain and France and White America, to take a sovereign leader as head of state out, to kill him and assassinate him. Now this has happened, with some mutilating his dead body by beating on it out in the open city streets. This is a prime time example of insanity of inhumanity. Psychopathy & Sociopaths!!
3. IGNORAMUS IDIOTS: Consequently, these rag tag team terrorist radical religious racist rebels, are predesignated to be betrayed by western leaderships across the board. However, they are to realize at some soon point that their alleged revolution has been hijacked, stolen and taken from them totally. Also coming back out of their disillusioned minds that they are now enslaved captive prisoners of foreign forces, with the United States Government being their new dictator of "demonocracy" democracy!!
4. FACT OF REALITY: Mr. Moammar Gaddafi is not the one who destroyed the towns and cities of Africa Libya. He didn't bombard family homes killing the females and their babies, small kids and parents. He did not cause the carnage, shelled out buildings of desolation. Butt, the National Transitional Council did in fact destroy civilization. For whatsoever, irrational reasons, they committed the greater crimes against humanity by their insanity. And it can not turn out in a positive productive-progressive outcome!
5. LOVE PEACE & HARMONY: Shall never come about in many years because of a Divinely Decreed Devil Damnation of Curses, Judgment & Justice. The party will eventually end and people of Libya shall wake up from their deep dreams. The horrible hatred is their self-enslaving sentences and death penalty to their country as a sovereign free people. And they can never again come together as friendly neighbors between themselves and relations with other African Africoid nations, distant and near by. Because. for financial fortunes, righteousness or wrongness; Z-Blackxz + Z-Brownxz + Z-Bluexz; loved the honored Mr. Moammar Gaddafi.  And shall surely keep on fighting back across the borders and stopping rebellous Libyan leaderships, killers of their beloved dessert Lion King... from crossing over into Niger, Chad, Algeria, Sudan and else where, The NTC and internal affairs, govenmental bodies, are decisively divided and conquered criminals caged up and locked down on the continental geographical map!

6. YES BACK STABBING BETRAYALS: yawls take a good close look at how the gambling games go, meaning once ya in, always inside the domain of playing devilish dice. No backing out, forsaking, nor betrayals are accepted. Death penalty is the sinister sentences, for everybody, whosoever they might be?! And playing the rich royal “race card” Gaddafi hit snake eyes, ending up being an evil “enemy combatant”; instead of a warmly welcomed and invited friend. And ended bloodily beaten down to the dirty grassroots ground of grime and grit, an unfortunate foe for fooling around with treacherous snake serpents of “THE GREAT SATAN”!!! (Iran)

7. Further still, every evil "enemy combatants" are to be forced to lay down their arms at once.  By International Interventions US Led Special Peace Police Patrols immediately. Because, they asked and begged for intervening Whites, so let them have more of them come in to maintain law and order. To learn a good school lesson about bringing in notoriously known racists, fascists, egoists, sexists, supremacists. And by the way, take over controls of all monetary assets and oil refineries; munition-ammunition stockpiles and weaponry. So that they don't fall into the wrong hands, of Arab Al Qaeda Islamic Muslim Lawlessness of extremists!!!
A Libyan county man, humanely heart broken and solemnly sad, 
over these brave warriors murders and Mr. Moammar Gaddafi's death!!
8. Certainly, now that they have accused a high number of "Black African Libyans" of being military mercenaries, faithfully serving the former leader Gaddafi to their deaths, so be it. Because, many are shown by the Al Jazeera English Arab media being brought in as enslaved captives, beaten, tormented and tortured, which is in gross violations of International Laws and or United Nations Charters & Geneva Convention!!
9. Therefore, seeing these filmed footage live on cameras, is the strongest evidential proofs we need to condemn the racist rebels of brutal revenges. Meaning that they have had their hay day, now it is our turn to test their faiths from being the new entrapped and enslaved captives of capitalist corporatist, colonialist Caucasian Caucasoid creatures. Crazy Cause & Criminology's Effects!!
10. As I've Envisioned: This is how things are turning out to be, regardless, of what somebody wishes to think or believes. I know these truths to be self-evident, sure and accurate. "Gaddafi Killed" is one thing, gross violation of human rights is another act of inhumanity, which warrant arrests of those photographed in pictures hitting on "Black" or Yellow or Brown prisoners. An outside investigative intervening foreign force has to be the governing policing powers of the new Libya, for some time to come, for ever how long it takes to establish stability, truth, justice, law and order the Americanized way. And again, historicity teaches us that they are also slave masters and wicked white whip CRACKERS!!!
11. “The fate of one of Gadhafi's other sons, Moutassim Gadhafi, is quite clear however: his body now lies with his father's on display in a meat refrigerator for all of Libya to see.”
12. Disloyal Diplomats & Defected Treasonous Troops: Their initial pleas and urgent requests shall be given to them as asked for. Foreign OCCUPATION. Of course, served under our county's command hence forth, here on out; until further notice. The USAA has to commandeer the controls of the Africa Libyan economy and unify the resources with America. Which I name to be COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts: Revolutionary - Evolutionary Creation of our Unified Statutes of America + Africa = AmeriAfrindica!!!
13. With all due respects and righteous regards to the following writer, it is well within my artistic Real-Live-Vision and View; that there is no such of thing as true “Civilization” of societies. And it is only a prophetic proposition or proposal, that has not as of yet, nor today have come into fruitions.
14. Albeit, I do indeed understand the wording in our English language about name civilizations. The conceptual idea in noble, yet very common among many members of societies. Butt, this is a prophetic dream world that hasn’t humanely ever existed, other than, back in some very prehistoric, ancient ancestral Africa Africoid time periods. Thousand of years before the arrival theses warmonger, hatemonger Europeans, White Caucasus cave CaucAsian Caucasoid and Yellow Mongoloid mutated members came into existences.
17. “Mahdi Darius _ Nazemroaya” says: “Preparing the Chessboard for the "Clash of Civilizations" It is at this point that all the pieces have to be put together and the dots have to be connected. The chessboard is being staged for a "Clash of Civilizations" and all the chess pieces are being put into place. The Arab World is in the process of being cordoned off and sharp delineation lines are being created. These lines of delineation are replacing the seamless lines of transition between different ethno-linguistic, skin-colour, and religious groups.

18. Under this scheme, there can no longer be a melding transition between societies and countries. This is why the Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, such as the Copts, are being targeted. This also why black-skinned Arabs and black-skinned Berbers, as well as other North African population groups which are black-skinned, are facing genocide in North Africa.

19. What is being staged is the creation of an exclusively "Muslim Middle East" area (excluding Israel) that will be in turmoil over Shiite-Sunni fighting. A similar scenario is being staged for a "non-Black North Africa" area which will be characterized by a confrontation between Arabs and Berber. At the same time, under the "Clash of Civilizations" model, the Middle East and North Africa are slated to simultaneously be in conflict with the so-called "West" and “Black Africa.”

20. This is why both Nicolas Sarzoky, in France, and David Cameron, in Britain, made back-to-back declarations during the start of the conflict in Libya that multiculturalism is dead in their respective Western European societies.”


15. Meaning that after they migrated, immigrated, invaded and occupied LOVE GODDESS Mother Africa Earth Nature, in any degree, extent or amount, there has been nothing butt blatant bloodshed, civil conflicts and deadly warfare, between them and others who are native indigenous inhabitants. And these racist and religious rivalries are historicity repeating themselves/itself, due to their contagious and contaminating diseases. Afflictions and infections of the body, mind, heart, spirit and soul!!! Devoid of inborn, native RIGHTEOUSNESS + SPIRITIOUSNESS

16. Therefore, everybody all around our whole wide world are infected, plagued, poisoned by the inhumane nature of the Caucasoid Caucasians, who created these religious political conditions, combustible chemical concoctions, ruing racial relationships, ethnic unity, cultural combining of compassion. They have habitually, deliberately, intentionally and knowingly, corrupted humankind. And this is exactly why we all suffer Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes! Equals = Insanity of Humanity = Inhumanity’s Insanity!! Produces UNCIVILIZED CITIZENRIES!!!
1. LOST LOSERS: Each and every one of these terrorist thugs, river rat racist rebel religious rag tag team radicals, would be dead, killed in action by military engagement against strong armed Colonel Gaddafi and his trained fighting warriors. Meaning that these fools are no real revolutionaries at all, not whatsoever, in the least. Because it is White Euro-centric Americans of the USA, who led and won all major battles, with these superpower military machine might of the Pentagon & U.S. President Obama blackish brown brother blatant bomber !!!
2. WINNER TAKES ALL = USAA: Basically because, our tax money was invested the most at a greater number in dollar amounts, than any others, inclusively, Europe, China & Russia. Therefore, we in reality paid the costly prices for Libya's liberated naturalized wealth, banking of billions = $$$ capital cash currency. Spoils, bounty, booty and loot; that Mr. Moammar Gadhafi had stockpiled, stored up in international banks as monetary funds for his personal and private possessions. Extravagant palace building of Islamic empire, another predatory, parasitic, blood sucking vicious vampire!!
3. YES, Libya is now a conquered county; from the outside and on the inside. And too bad, because, these are the dire consequences for foolish revolutionary rebels, inexperienced warrrors, who fail to fight for their own freedoms, and not depend on outside foreign forces; who will only be fighting for themselves and best interests of their own nations. History dictates these truths as outcomes of those wrongly thinking that some one is going to do deadly dealings just for nothing. Unwise to believe America & Europe is going to do justice by them and render fair play. It simply and plainly isn't ever going to occur. And there can be no valiant victory for a people celebrating blood baths on ether sides!
4. The news reports reveals that Saif Al Islam Gaddafi was in fact captured alive, trying to escape in a caravan leaving Sirte, his hometown. Along with his son Mutassim were hit from above by cowardice NATO jets shooting and firing rockets. In revenge and retribution, the criminal rebels killed Gaddafi while they were taking him from Sirte to Misrata. His unmerciful death penalty, without civilized justice in a fair court of law, was ordered; in essence, by Hillary Clinton in her recent unannounced visit in Africa Libya on or about Tuesday, September 18. 2011. When she said he should be brought in dead or alive, signaling, surreptitiously suggesting surely killed!!!
5. Remember to dutifully NOTE vs Vote:  that the media pictures are all one sided as usual, typical bias and prejudice propaganda presentations. Photo pictures that shows to the viewing public only the jubilant rebels and no real number of Libyan citizens, towns people whatsoever. Most had abandoned their homes long ago, and others are far too fearful to say anything against the racist rebel rats of revenge killings and mass murders. The film crews, blocked out the many dead bodies that lay all over the streets; as rebels and loyalists and civilians as innocent, defenseless, helpless, unarmed citizens. Although the crazed criminals, they as a mandatory must do, lay down their terrorist arms, don't delay, refuse and resist disarmament. And y'all know that there were and still is a Humanity problem plaguing the internal affairs of Africa Libya. Also let us completely comprehend, that,The NTC & Rebels & NATO, Europe & USA, brought the dessert country down to dirty dust, deep dooms day death, destruction and desolation!!! Not Gaddafi!
6. Plus+ we have yet to hear anything coming from the so often called collective citizens own voices as, "The Libyan People". And what we do always keep on hearing not oppressed-repressed-depressed, are the one sided words being repeatedly reported by White westerners, Europeans & Anglo-Americans and or their stooges sucking up. Staged settings in front of the news cameras, grossly distorting truer realities on the grassroots ground levels. Using the young kids a props and human shields to hide grown-up cowardice behind. This is absolutely not true democracy, nor equality and full freedom of expression, whatsoever, in the least. It's hegemony hypocrisy!!! No healthful healing is possible!

7. “Human Rights Watch is calling for an internationally supervised autopsy and an investigation into the death, and one of its officials said it is unlikely that Gadhafi was killed in crossfire. Gadhafi's burial delayed _ Gadhafi was hiding in drainage pipe.” "Peter Bouckaert, the group's emergencies director, told CNN that fighting had ended when Gadhafi was cornered in a drainage ditch. He said crowds beat the former ruler in what was a "humiliating end" for the former dictator. "When he left the area he was very much alive," Bouckaert said. "There's no reason why he should have been subjected to this kind of mob justice." Bouckaert said Gadhafi should have been put on trial and called the killing a "blemish on the record of the new Libya." Documented today Friday, October 21, 2011...12:17 pm.

A REAL WARRIOR: “Just one of Moammar Gadhafi's eight children is still unaccounted for following the Libyan dictator's death last week, and although he is currently wanted by the International Criminal Court, Libya's former heir apparent is still trying to reclaim his father's glory. Saif Al-Islam Gadhafi, the London-educated son who was to succeed his father and carry on the dynasty is possibly still at large. Libya's interim government had said he was captured this weekend, but at the very same time the 39-year-old appeared on Syrian television. "We continue our resistance. I'm in Libya, alive, free and intend to go to the very end and exact revenge," Saif Al-Islam Gadhafi was heard saying on Syrian TV. "I say go to hell, you rats and NATO behind you. This is our country, we live in it, and we die in it and we are continuing the struggle."

 1. The DEVIL'S DECEPTION: Deceiving the Libyan citizens all together as one general group. Hate filled citizens saying that 'they much preferred Gaddafi being killed, dead than still alive to face a court of law'; according to on the ground Al Jazeera English White male news reporter. And I vehemently say that their attitude is a crying out loud shame and disgrace to the Humankind "Race"!!!
2. Meaning that they denied him and others a fair trial and justice, so therefore, the whole of them are to be denied the same justice, law and order and fair trial. 'Violence begets violence'! What goes around keeps coming back around in a vicious cycle of criminal conflicts and civil wars! Karmic reactions. Refusing to appreciate that in which our Cosmic CREATOR via Mr. Moammar Gaddafi, offered them as free food, water, shelter and medical aid as internal humanitarian social services. Discontented and ungrateful! Now today that which was gracefully given freely, financially, shall surely cost an incredible expense to enjoy. They are all "beyond redemption"; rebellous religious radicals with no salvation in sight thus far. Everybody involved, have to pay the heavy burdening price tags, lots more money simply for the bare necessities of living. Plus+ in addition, to these electrifying currency charges, climatic changes, inclusively America & Europe & Arabia..., are of Culpable Mental Guilt, Fault & Blame. Baring none,_ will successfully flee and escape DIVINELY DECREED JUSTICE & JUDGMENT TODAY!!!
2a. Hatemongers and warmongers: They can run but they sure can't hide! Certainly, they have on both sides and in all actionable cases, causes chose this terrifying: End Time Days of Reckoning; Trials & Tribulations are now beckoning._mp3
3. HIGH ON HELLISH HATE: And the gun carrying crazies are to be immediately broken back down to naught, to the trashy grassroots ground level of nothingness that they were and presently are; serial killers. Marauders, mindless mobs, murdering mad mentalities!
4. Mistakenly are the media monguls, wrongly thinking that the photos of Gaddafi being captured, bloody, kicked and beaten to death and shot close range by gunfire, is going to impress something positive upon the majority of the Libyan citizens minds. Butt, better still, his death is to have an adverse reaction, of backfiring into the Westernized, Europeanized "pale faces" behind all of the deaths and destruction. The country is divided along racial-ethnic-cultural lines; even more so severely today. Irreparable damages done that actually keeps unity from ever happening in the near future. Meanwhile, the USAA, "We Have A Responsibility To Act"!

5. YES: These specific Libyan citizens are very sick and insane savages and satanic people. Having absolutely no respect nor honor for their dead. Their Islamic religion is ungodly and unholy as hell here on the surface of planet earth. Using a corpse, as dead man’s body as an event, specticle to vent more meaningless hatred and hideous hostilities. Mr. Moammar Gaddafi’s death is revealing the vicious violence innately and inborn inside these hatemongering and warmongering Asiatic Arab, Africanized Libyans. No, they don’t need to see somebody lying at state in slumber; on public display, unless they are paying respects. All else, is psychotic rationalization, self-deception and gross distortion of reality. A silly circus show! Mean spirited   mockery and childish, silly laughing at his deceased remains. Devilishly damaned dummies. Inttentionally adding more insults to fatal injuries! Which indecent acts surely shows clearly to the whole wide world that these are real living sinners; as Gaddafi admonished, cauctioned and warned his criminal captors: "THIS IS A SIN FOR YOU"!!!

6. BETTER BENEFICIALLY BLESSED Son of SUNGOD: I AM vested with the innate-intrinsic-inborn artistry, ability to Summon Sublimely Inspirited Sentences, righteously now as I write it in words = as Curses charged against all those involved, inclusively, aiding and abetting murderous homicides and genocides; !!! In dynamic equalized bio-balance, this artfully applies overseas abroad and also, here on the domestic home land front USAA PROMISED LANDS. All religious politicized killers, whosoever, they migtht be, shall spiritually... receive retribution, retaliation as restitution and reparations for all historical past and present day damages; done to Africa's Africoid people's populatiions. As a DIASPORA PYRAMIDAL PANORAMA PHENOMENA!!! All around our GlobalWorldNations!!!

7. As the news reports: “Col Gaddafi's body is lying in a meat storage room in Misrata. Oil Minister Ali Tarhouni told Reuters news agency it would not be released for immediate burial. "I told them to keep it in the freezer for a few days... to make sure that everybody knows he is dead," he said. Asked about the burial arrangements, he said: "There is no decision yet."
8. Once the thugs, thieves, robbers and racist rebel rapists are disarmed, then, we shall surely see how that the truth about how Libyans really feel in greater numbers. The realistic uprising has yet to come charging outwards and upwards. Most members don't like bloodshed, detest brothers fighting against brothers, sons against sons, Libyans against Libyans, Africans against Africans. Which equals = the evil wizard workings of "The Great SATAN"!
9. “Ethnocentrism and Ideology: Justifying Today's "Just Wars"Risking being redundant, it has to be mentioned again that it is precisely with the intention of breaking these cultural affinities between the Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region and the so-called "Western World" and sub-Saharan Africa that Christians and black-skinned peoples are being targeted.
10. In the past, the colonial powers of Western Europe would indoctrinate their people. Their objective was to acquire popular support for colonial conquest. This took the form of spreading Christianity and promoting Christian values with the support of armed merchants and colonial armies.

11. At the same time, racist ideologies were put forth. The people whose lands were colonized were portrayed as "sub-human," inferior, or soulless. Finally, the "White Man's burden" of taking on a mission of civilizing the so-called "uncivilized peoples of the world" was used. This cohesive ideological framework was used to portray colonialism as a "just cause." The latter in turn was used to provide legitimacy to the waging of "just wars" as a means to conquering and "civilizing" foreign lands.

12. Today, the imperialist design of the United States, Britain, France, and Germany have not changed. What has changed is the pretext and justification for waging their neo-colonial wars of conquest. During the colonial period, the narratives and justifications for waging war were accepted by public opinion in the colonizing countries, such as Britain and France. Today's "just wars" and "just causes" are now being conducted under the banners of women's rights, human rights, humanitarianism, and democracy.” “Mahdi Darius _ Nazemroaya”
13. Even those who might have supported Gaddafi, or the NTC, are to realize that they are all bribed, brainwashed dupes of devilish deception. Misled by the wicked worldly word: RELIGION; in which equals, INHUMANITY INSANITY!!! Read revelations:
14. Definitively, we are actually counting down to Armageddon's Prophetic Holy World War III = 3, A better benefit blessing in secret disguise, to set the enslaved captives free; unto the perfect law of liberty._mp3.  And this truly means that the terrorist Nazis NATO of Europe is facing Russia Federation, in a heated hot head on coming collision and combustible conflict. While the USA is on a crashing collision course with Asia's China, in direct combat, land and air warfare, and also perhaps, nuclear weapons of mass destruction?!. Predestined on the Event Horizon!  Yes these big bad bullies are meeting their match, on a level playing field, The Battleground of Calvary, as equals!!
COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts: REVELATIONS always 'n lovin' faith with a happy, healthy, healing, humane, holistic humor. Thank yawls very Kindheated Kinky KING kindly =  Written, documented today, Thursday, October 20, 2011... 5:07 pm.
Gaddafi's Death Divinely Decreed Deliberated: killed-murdered lawlessly, mercilessly by psychopaths-sociopaths death squads led by racist USA & Europe & NATO White Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes = System's Sorcerer Sinister Snake Serpent SATAN!!! Reveals-COLOR KINGDOM NWCA.
Bravely read my Artistic True-Up U-Turn REAL LIVE VISION

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