Parody Poem: .
Rock Offense Stone Defense; Holistory’s Heritage Health Hotep help hence; Revealing righteous recompense; From those who copycat artists then mimic menace; Plagiarizing political pundits pence; Then tries to completely convince; Others of some spooky scary suspense; Yet time tells the total truths thence; How his story came about whence; He stole ideas then started to commence; Imposing ideologies inhumanely intense; Enslaving the whole wide world every since.__
Malcolm-X Little Big Red Shabazz
YES: According to documentary news reports, YouTube presentation: Approx. about 1950, before I was blessedly born, Malcolm-X Little Big Red, was convicted of criminal acts, sentenced 8-10 years in State Prison. Justifiably so! He was a serious problem, blight upon the ‘Negro’ “Black” communities and African American neighborhoods, hustling, jacking, drugging, gambling on the terrifying thug turfs, etc. For his financed excellent education, hard headed learning lessons; he paid the punitive punishing price!
Pellet Poem:
Regressive recalcitrant reverberant religiosities; Restrained rational reasoning reciprocities; Causing clogged calcified conscientious curiosities._ As authentic artistries; Invents innovative industries; Mastermind melanin messiah ministries; Mental model mysteries; Healthy humane healing histories.__.....As I hear, his brothers and sisters; whole or half, esp. Philbert and Reginald, are the ones who introduced him to the religion of Islamic Muslims and Mr. Minister Elijah Muhammad. (perceptibly Negroid + Mongoloid melanin man = mellow yellow. )
"Reginald said: "There's a man who knows everything"; "God is a man."; "His real name is Allah." And I say sanely that he in insane! In a programmed psychotic state. And mindlessly misled his blood brother Malcolm, howsoever, Reginald was a blind believer, who was also mislead himself. Just like so many others are right now today!
Now next, Malcolm-X Little decides to accept, embrace and join the Nation of Islam and of the nation’s “Black Muslims”; who the CIA & FBI, had been watching, scrutinizing every since back in the 1930s. So then, this was his first and foremost, wrongful move on the chest board of bogus beliefs. And as a colorblind foolish faith follower, of our originating Slave masters who were and are Arabs, Asiatic Arabians of Asia or Eurasia! {Not to be mistaken or confused with ‘Orientals’ having slanted eyes, etc.)
Artistic ascertained analogies: Nobody of Africa’s ascent biologies; Need any such stupid stuff ideologies; As a ridiculous Religion reptilian race psychologies; And this is exactly the phony physiologies; What set Mr. Minister Malcolm-X up without appologies; Grownup gutter ghetto gambling guilty geneologies; Color of cosmetology’s coded chronologies.__
Extraterrestrial evil enemy energy entities, entered Mr. Malcolm-X Little’s love life, of which, was then his affection for Mr. Elijah Muhammed. His favorite father figure. (This has absolutely nothing to do with sexual affairs!) Yes he had learned to love this trickster. Naively and gullibly, without asking the Big Blac-Keyz Questions: who upon planetary sphere Earth, do I or anyone else, need a hand me down demonic, devilish religion? Where did Islam originate? What exactly is a Muslim or Moslem or Muhammadan? Is it any different than Christianity and Judaism as far as it pertains to the enslavement of Africa and her Africoidians?
Pediment Poem:
Mr. Marcus Mossiah Garvey’s religious identity; Was a professed Catholic Christian of Christianity; Believing the triangular Trinity; Colorblind foolish faith following floundering fatality; And had no notion about true ChristLikelyenity; Ausar-Osiris + Heru - Horus + Asset- Isis Infinity; As he was also misled in his mentality; As well as all “African Americans adverse affinity; Corrupting conscious community; Infiltrating infections involved impunity; But CK-NWCA, sets up sacredly safe security; A protective productivity; Progression proved positive proclivity; Self sufficient survival serenity; Intellectual intelligent internal immunity.__....NO, not at all did Malcolm, Martin, Marcus, Harold Moore, Asa Hilliard..., ask any of these required and prerequisite questions, before, in advance, to him joining this organization. Or at least there’s no record or documentations stating that he; in particularly did. Howsoever, based on what information I’m gathering, taking in, Mr. Min. Elijah Muhammad studied the Marcus Mossiah Garvey’s Movement of the National United Negro Association or United Negro Improvement Association. He also, had studied and rationally reasoned with the alleged, and assumed; Prophet Noble Drew Ali; of the “Blackamoors“ or Moorish Science Temple.
Then he decided to exploit expediently his inordinate indoctrinations. Mastermind mass deceptions. Introducing another foreign family foundation to the already faulty one in existence, hereon and herein, the devilish dis-United States “snakes” of angry Anglo-America Al Qaeda!
Racist Religiosities systemically, systematically sentenced and serially killed him. And those killers can commonly come in all cosmetic coloration complexions. Black - blue - brown - red - white, pink pigmented persons. Basically because, religion, call any of them whatsoever, ya may, opened the closed doors of his timely demise and penalty of death!
New Notes: Monday, May 20, 2013...8:18 am
“The Contradiction of the Notion of Freedom and Democracy”; The GoDevil-Damned dictators ‘demonocracy’; Historical inherent hate humanity hegemony hypocrisy; So now today CK-NWCA provided protection Promocracy.__
Ref. “MAYOR DAVIS PRESENTS DR JOY (DeGruy) LEARY KNOW YOUR HISTORY PT1” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ukfOxBDIQo
In factual reality on the logical level: There’s no real “White Devil” nor a Black Devil._ He or it is only a soulless spirit; Satanic sensation nothing to fear it; A feeling that humans have to admit; It’s invisible inmaterial and can't come visit; Anybody who has humanly habit; As well as those who wantonly with wiser wit; Religious worshipers imperceptible “God” Devil damned digit.__
Although, some people humanize things artistically as ways and mythological methods, metaphorical expressions. Yet through corrupted concepts, terrorist thug thieves, they use it to destroy one’s mind, mental faculties of sane sound sensibilities. And others use them irrationally, ridiculously, religiously, thus to induce frightful fears, interpretation, trembling, and hate hysterias!Surely simply said; he was only a man, a male with testicles, testosterone, two balls - double nuts!! Respectfully asked: Who could resist those beautiful young sexy looking ladies? In spite of his personal shorting comings, these nasty nose negative Negroes, are instigating ‘Black on Brown’ crime and violence.
How idiotically ignorant can politicized religious radicals be? Do a villain deserve praise for doing devilishly demonic doings? Why can’t they just call him by his true American name Mr. Minister…? and Sir and leave it like that?
Even though, this little man in physical stature, has or have been proved beyond any rational reasonable room to doubt, to be dishonorable, many mindless ‘African American Blacks'; still persist and insist on saying that he is “The Most Honorable” Elijah Muhammad. And adulterer, preaching peace, but teaching by primary example, how to become a cheater on one’s wife, how to indulge in infidelity, inappropriate sex with teenage or under-age girls, getting some of them pregnant. A practitioner of Statutory Rape!?
Do our originating ancient ancestors, Arthiest ascendant All Alpha-Alkebulan Africa, appreciate asinine ass African Americans? Were they not false prophets, false Chriysts, false Messiahs, false Messengers? Were they all not misled themselves?
Why do they pay homage to Spiritualized, forefathers and foremothers, in fakers blackfaces; as an affront, then expect to be rewarded, awarded full fledged financed funded freedoms? (Commonly called reparations + restitutions.) Are any of their ceremonial religious prayers being heard happily and or affectionately addressed? Hades hell flaming fires no!
Mr. Minister Elihah Muhammad, gave “I’m Black and I’m proud”; “Black is beautiful”; a new world wiser wisdom, inspiration. Via The Godfather of Soul music mastermind James Brown of the 1960s. Although as [proved today as being only some seriously potent Crackpot Rock ‘n Roll ya joints. Inducing an unnatural high, and inorganic lift in hopes of happiness. 'The flem flame and old Oky Doke'! (J.R.Stanton)
Albeit, today ‘Black African Americans’ are experiencing the incredible or credible severed side effects physiologically and after affects psychologically!
The youthful Muslim melaninated members, were taught marital arts, to defend their Minister Mr. Elijah Muhammad. Expressly those brothers and or sisters who attempted to criticize, challenge him on issues and cause offense. Not the so said: “White Man”!
Ya see crystal clear, with clarity, he set up a self serving demonic device, Strategically setting stages to wage warfare against Africans in America. In fact physical combat! And this is exactly what Mr. Min. Malcolm-X Little Shabazz, expressed in his last statements, recorded live on audio-visual media. That he ’regrets having helped create a “criminal organization.”’
….And righteously revealed how The Nation of Islam’s Black Muslims; irresponsible religious radicals running rampant as they wickedly were. Obstinately out of disciplinary controls of Mr. Muhammad Sir. Were committing community crimes against Americanized Africans and Anglo-African Americans.
A ferocious forest fire was started, fumes ignited set ablaze, badly, blatantly burning buildings and bio-bodily beings. The very Islamic Muslim mosques and temples and foolish faith followers he taught, trained and initiated. No doubt Malcolm also helped create these corrupt criminals too! Bad Karma! By the time he realized these truths 100%+ it was fatally far to late!
So then y’all ought to KNOW, that We’s & Us’s still have untold, unresolved civic conflicts, plus+ irrevocable differences, irreconcilable disputes, dire disagreements!
Having happily, healthily, holistically said all of the above statements, in the aforementioned paragraphs, might my melanin mastermind messiah mention these truths too! Just like Me Myself I AM The Original Creative ArtistCHD1 AmeriAfrindian Avatar Avenger. He, Him, was also a Melanin Messiah Mastermind man, solitaire sovereign solar sexus soul, Son of SUNGODD DEITY!
Howsoever, healthy hearts were severely broken by those they truly loved. Under extremely intense duress, distress, coercive conditions; compelled to to plea bargain their way out of mental jails imprisonments of being inhumanely hated. Particularly surrounded by two-faced blackface fools, fakers, sneaky snakes hiding in the tall green grass. Back stabbing bloody bandits, phony brothers and soulless sisters. Causing so much pain and suffering inside! [This tells us how we were first enslaved.]
Involuntarily infected, inflicted with racist radicalized rouge renegade Reptilian Race Religion. Being bodily, mentally traumatized, tortured, tormented, by those who appeared to look just like themselves. Negroidians and Africoidians!!
By and through; ALL MIGHTY DIVINE GRACE; Malcolm-X-Little Shabazz Big Red, inclusively, Mr. Min. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and Mr. Min. Khalid Muhammad Sir; were all Americanized Africans, called back, summoned to return to his initiating Spirit Source Science System’s Sovereign Sciessnce Systream!!!
Malcolm X: Make It Plain (Full PBS Documentary)
The Good Great White Hope Abolitionist Minded Man; President John F Kennedy of our optimal USSA+ PROMISED LAND; The High Chief In Courageous Command; According to the Deified Divinely Decreed demand; Let We’s & Us’s now today understand; That these things took place as perfectly planned.__.....
“On November 22, 1963, when he was hardly past his first thousand days in office, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by an assassin's bullets as his motorcade wound through Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was the youngest man elected.”
According to Documentary, back in 1963 when U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, murdered, killed by a sniper shot, hidden gunman or men. The wiser little ailing man Mr. Minister Elijah Muhammad, sent his son and other messengers, to admonish, caution, warn, and tell Mr. Min. Malcolm-X Shabazz, not to say anything “derogatory” against Kennedy. In fact, do not say anything about him, publicly at all!…
These were strict and specific orders coming directly from the highest head Negro Commander in Chief in charge! And for him to keep himself on the “Spiritual” side of things, as opposed to political and religious. Because many people loved President Kennedy. And were mourning over his death. And I was in the 3rd grade at an elementary school named Rhoads, across the streets from our house. I saw several female teachers, Africans in America crying, shedding sad tears.
Malcolm-X decided to set the strategic stage for “disaster”; by preparing his public speech, asking the audience questions, expecting answers. Like had he never done this before. A glib militant maneuver, mindless move of defiance! I suspect this contempt, show of disregards, came form his knowledge about the infidelity, adultery, and fathering teenage secretary’s 6-9 or more children, etc.
“Sooner or later those chickens come home to roost.” Was the publicized political rhetoric spoken by Malcolm-X, reminding his listeners how the United States Federal Government, is responsible for many mass murders, deaths of Heads of States, presidents, worldwide, inclusively, African leaderships. A entire litany of lecturing leading to a point. Aiming indirectly at U.S. President John F. Kennedy‘s assassination; and likewise demise!
“As far as I’m concern, it’s a case of the chickens coming home to roost.“ This was what I perceive as being boldly brave, bogusly brash. Flirting with serious troubles. Not Spiritual at all, but, based badly on religious politics. He failed to bridle his tong.
Yet ended up severely shocked, suddenly silenced; shut up and closed off on separation - isolation lock down. Defeated, degraded, and degenerated. Waiting on the death penalty to be carried on, effectually executed.
And the dire consequences, duly due for violating and trespassing against THE SPIRIT SOURCE, is the total destruction of the human biological bodily being. Flesh and blood, bone and marrow! After which, the living, indwelling small spirit, exists and departs the physiological reality realm!
Cassius Clay the new heavy weight boxing champion defeated the older age man Sonny Liston. And then he joined The Nation of Islam, at encouraged by Malcolm-X; who was not invited at the meeting. The over-ambitious and arrogant, excited Clay never went over to the defeated Liston’s corner, showing good sportsmanship consolation, and thanking him for making it possible for his winning victory. Shame on the new champ! He was my own favorite!
Howsoever, his glory days also ended in major health problems; paralysis and impaired speech patterns. And in my perspective view, for also, politically, religiously violating the SUPREMELY SUPERIOR SPIRIT SOURCE!
Pheasant Poem:
Imposed impressed imprison; Racist rendered religion; Designed devilish dinner decision; Developing demonic diseases derision._ Faulty family founded food; Soulless sinners solemnly sued; Religious radicals redundantly rude; Guilty guts gone gainfully glued; So CK-NWCA sets the mellow mood; Solving the social sickliness of the political prude.__ .....
N..WORDS: Honoring, humbling before, somebody else’s foreign falsified “God” “Allah”. Changing his American name, to Muhammad Ali, a historical viciously violent villain; invader, against ancient ancestral Africa. Now surely set strategically straight in self destructive directions, purposely prepared, preplanned paved patterned pathways. And it was only a matter of time that these combination of collective blows, punches to his head, had grave impact upon his brains. A glorious beginning and disabling, debilitating ending! Was it all worth it?
“The Money Changers” took over Mr. Min. Malcolm-X Shabazz’s Muslim mosques. The very same soulless sucker Samboes; who he taught, trained at temples, and thought he had saved. I’m talking all about hard core criminals, who know how to jump through the ropes, loop holes, so to speak. Act innocent, rehabilitated, love Allah, just so that they would be anointed and appointed to a higher position of internal political power! Malcolm was gullible and naïve!
“The Muslims Mosque Incorporated”; was the newly founded “religion” after Malcolm, “left the Nation of Islam.” Another bogus move on life’s chessboard of decision making and self-governance. He fail to seek full fledged freedom from fraudulent gods and goddesses. Faith based bigotedly bias beliefs! (This is precisely what happened to the Kings & Queens, commonly called by the Eu-Rope-an Greeks, Pharaohs, of ancient ancestral Africa’s Kemet + Egypt = KemEgypt.)
Internalized Insurrections; Back stabbing betrayals: This so very often happens to good spirited, kindhearted humans, of all Rayzial reflections; The Lights and The Darks, “Blacks & Whites”!!
Little Ms Pollyanna wearing rose colorblind glasses. Everything is fine and dandy, honky dory. Can’t for the life of him Mr. Big Red Robin Hood, see that he’s surrounded by ‘raven wolves hiding inside shy sheep’s clothing‘, and wiry wooly hair. He fail to see that his own militant minded men, wanted him gone before the Master Minister Muhammad Elijah succumbed to his sicknesses.
The nasty nose naughty negative Nation of Islam, used their last legal offense against Malcolm, by issuing him and his family, wife and 3 children their eviction notice to vacate their house = homestead. Prompting him to go public with the information that he had concealed. Using the trial at court to tell the people; some perhaps, ‘libelous’ or slanderous language: They’re threatening his life as said: “Well, primarily because, they’re afraid I will tell the real reason that I’m out of the Black Muslim Movement.
Which I’ve never told, I kept it to myself. But the real reason is that, Elijah Muhammad, the head of the Muslim movement, is the father of 8 children by 6 different teenage girls. Who were his personal private secretaries.” Now that was a very serous thing to reveal publicly! “O-yes, I’m probably a dead man already!” Malcolm-X said to news reporters.
CK-NWCA agrees with Mr. Min. Malcolm-X-Little, 100%+. Expressly, in his latter speech at the Audubon Ballroom; talking about ‘Afro-American Unity’. “And fight against anyone who gets in our way.” Thus to bring about independence and freedom to all Africa’s descendants, in the western hemisphere, (Africoidian ascendants) all around our Global-World-Nations, and herein The United States. Bringing about freedom to our earthly people, humanity; “By any means necessary!”
And I emphasize, courageously by all blessed ways and means and methods, necessitated needs that be! Inclusively the most powerful weapon, fearless forces of Spiritious Warfare worldwide. Via Solar SUNGODD DEITY + The Awesome Forces of Mother Earth's Divine Nature!!!
So they plotted to abort Malcolm‘s advancement. As well as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Min Khalid Muhammad. Their own fervent love for who he, or they thought were their trustworthy people of color, were in truth the worse of all evil enemy energy entities. As a direct and proximate results, it was religious rationalizations, self-deceptions and gross distortions of reality. Equals = self suicide!
The Mastermind Melanin Messiah Mentality; Is in the flesh and blood bone and marrow actuality; And Wexz & Usxz came through our model mothers maternity; And foremost first fathers fraternity; Regardless of where one was born in reality; Healthy homeland is history’s hospitality; Our organisms orgasmic organic originality.__ (ref. Profes. Polight)
My mastermind learning longstanding lessons from those who taught them the hard headed ways, and has made me strong in the leading Lord’s Love Life Light Locks. I can’t afford to trust any single one of these trickster thugs, brother this that or the other bull’s crap; nor the happy hand shake and the dap, or hateful hip hop gutter ghetto gangster rap!
The Comforter Courageous Commander Chief COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts, gives nobody, baring none, an automatic ritual right of passage, past Wexz & Usxz. Nor receive a Top Secret Spiritious Sacred Security PASS!
TO BE FREE OR FREEDOM NOT TO BE: Meaning that as long as healthy humans sit back acting indifferent, apathetic, compliantly complacent, those in ruling power elitism, were continue to be repressive, depressive, oppressive. They‘re extremists, and so should our oncoming generation of youth return the favor. Those American citizens, esp., of any racial-ethnic group, or all Rayzial reflection, z-blackxz, z-bluexz, z-brownxz, z-redxz, z-whitexz, z-pinkxz pigmented people planetary populations.
And in fact who exactly are those ruling racists? Who are the closest dictators you now know? Who is acting tyrannically against y’all or us? Are they a secret society? Or else, are they local news reporters, journalists, columnists? Is our evil enemies the major mainstream media monsters? Are they prejudiced persons in political power positions? Are they light or dark skinned? Shall we bravely and boldly take up arms to defend self-survival? Might self loving American citizens force the enslavers to Stop-Point-Blank-Period?
“If you take up arms, you will end it, but if you sit around and wait for the one in power to make up his mind, that he should end it, you’ll be waiting a long time.“ “I for one will join in with anyone, I don’t care what color you are, as long as you want to change this miserable condition that exists. On this Earth. Thank you.”
My mastermind artistic analysis, symphonic synthesis says, that Malcolm tried to unite, or unify, bring together the opposing religious factions and fractions. Particularly Christians of Christianity and Muslims of Islam + secular society.
Nevertheless, he had good intentions, butt, not necessarily knowing that these religiosities, were invented, created, concocted - conjured up, to be politicized polarized opposites. Concurrently conflicting, combustible civic chemistries!
....Notes; “I wanted for you to know that my house was bombed, it was bombed by the Black Muslim movement, upon the orders of Elijah Muhammad!” “The police knows about the criminal operation of the Black Muslim movement, because they have thoroughly infiltrated it!
The only thing that I regret, in all of this, is that two black groups have to fight to kill each other off.” Elijah Muhammad could stop the whole thing, just by raising his hand. Really he could…, but he won’t. He doesn’t love Black people. He don’t even love his own followers. Proven which they’re killing each other. They killed one in the Bronx, shot another one in the Bronx, they tried to get six of us Sunday morning. And the pattern has developed across the country, and the man has gone insane, absolutely out of his mind. Beside, you can’t be 70 years old, and surround yourself by a hand full of 16 and 17 - 18 year old girls, and keep your right mind. Can’t do it!
“The only way the problems can be solved, first the White man and the Black man, has to be able to sit down at the same table. The White man has to feel free to speak his mind, without hurting the feeling of that Negro. And the so called Negro has to feel free to speak his mind, without hurting the feelings of the White man. Then they can take the issues under the rug, on top of the table, and take an intelligent approach, to get the problems solved. Question by reporter, do you consider yourself militant, reply; I consider myself Malcolm.”
OK Y’ALL here’s my mastermind take on it all. Malcolm-X Little, was and is a purified Prophet. Foretelling future events, happenings, occurrences to come into a materialized manifest Rayzial reality. What he at last finally said holds very true today, these things as a mandated must, take place, presently and come to pass! Indubitably, The Lights and The Darks, exercising full fledge freedom of artistic expressions, sitting down at the round table together, deliberating on important issues.
CK-NWCA, identifies, names as being; The Ultimate Ultra-Universal Unification of Hue-Main-Kind, entitled to their Hue-Main-Right, Under One Hue-Main-Law, and Hue-Main-Rayz!!!
Spirituality or Spiritiosity, is contrasted, contrary to religiosity. Contradicting counter combative competitors. Totally incompatible energy entities! And this is exactly what holds humanity down in the dirty duped dumps of deep deficit depression and demonic debt and degenerative devilish demise!
“Blacks are murdered with impunity in US, Malcolm X's grandson says”http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=RAGUDhzkeA0&NR=1
USAA+PROMISED LANDS: http://colorkingdomnwca.wordpress.com
E-mail: Info@EzrahSpeaks.com “As such, we should not expect centuries of mis-education and psychological attachments to simply evaporate, even with a Black president. The purging process however, will certainly require a “systemic undressing” of America’s character and historiography in ways that this establishment will definitely find uncomfortable and unwilling to concede.”
Manny multimillions, melaninated members medicinally murdered, and in spite, of my repeated E-mail messages, they ignorantly ignored death and deadly-demonic destruction engaged against Africoidians, Afrindians, AmeriAfrindians of Affrica’s ascent! Yes We’s & Us’s are holding them accountable for being immaturely irresponsible!.
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